The first Open-Source Monopoly clone for windows.
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Monopolie 0.9.5 2002-07-14 Fixed: +"advance to nearest railroad" bug +"Computer get's player's money" bug +P(27) was changed to P(28) (my mistake, sorry. -James) +rent of vermont is 6, not 8 +Spelling error when computer chooses thimble. frMain --> frmMain +Housing form updates when it becomes the active window, not just when it loads. +Changed the if's in frmMain.MovePlayer2() to an if..else block +Added Select Case block to frmMain.MovePlayer() (removed GoTo's) +Added Select Case block to frmMain.computercomm() (removed GoTo's) +Removed more speghetti code [some remains in frmMain.rolldice_Click() and Timercomp_Timer()] Added: +Player cannot buy a property if she cannot afford it +Added luxury tax +Income tax -player has option to pay $200 or 10% -computer always pays $200 +List of property costs in frmPrices control array Cost(n) +frmMain.isProperty(int) as Boolean +frmMain.isBuildableProperty(int) as Boolean ToDo: +You don't get paid for landing on Go (sometimes) -When I got a chance card, I was paid for GO, but didn't go there visually +Pay double when travelling to a railroad via chance card +Have player pay current value of frmPrices.P(n). Then, when computer buys houses, it will get the current price. This is in frmMain.MovePlayer() +Add full support for utilities (currently only charges 4*roll) +Create a listing of board positions (x, y) for each property +Bankruptcy (allow the game to end) +Pay increasing prices for R.R.'s when more than one is owned +Help file +Add code to display get out of jail free cards +Mortgaging +Multiplayer support +Intelligent AI (purchase properties) +Trading +Clean up card forms ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.9.4 2002-07-12 Fixed: +Unable to view more than the first property in frmCards Added: +Computer chooses random playing piece (added a while ago - about 0.9.2) ToDo: +Remove some spaghetti code (Sorry, I missed some in frmMain) +Help file +Get out of jail free cards +Add code for get out of jail free cards +Mortgaging +Multiplayer support +Intelligent AI (purchase properties) +Trading +Income Tax square +Luxury Tax square +Clean up card forms +Change all image formats to png ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.9.3 2002-07-12 Fixed: +unable to view properties by clicking +no remaining GoTo's or large if-only blocks (no more spaghetti code) Added: +get out of jail free cards to frmCards. Not functional ToDo: +Add code for get out of jail free cards +Mortgaging +Multiplayer support +Intelligent AI (purchase properties) +Trading +Income Tax square +Luxury Tax square +Clean up card forms +Change all image formats to png ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.9.2 2002-06-29 Fixed: +changed many control name to control arrays. For example, frmMain.image04 became frmMain.image(4). This allows for dynamic access to form controls. I changed controls in every form except frmHousing. +Changed many blocks of code using 'spaghetti code' full of GoTo's. Added Select Case statements and intelligent for loops. ToDo: +Some spaghetti code remains. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.9.1 2002-06-28 Fixed the AI so it pays you when it lands on your property Undid some mistakes in 0.9.0 that set some properties to be owned by player1 by default. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.9.0 2002-06-25 Added FULL support for buying and selling homes. Computer pays player for landing on properties (a few things missing). All forms renamed with descriptive names. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.8 2002-06-23 Added partial house and hotel support. You can buy them, but you cannot use them, and you do not need a monopoly to buy them-the rules will be applied later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.7 2002-06-22 I added support for Community Chest. The size of the executable file has greatly increased, so your going to need about 12 megabytes of ram just for this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.6 2002-06-21 Support for computer-jail, and I added chance card support. Also made a GUI property interface, which is easier to use. I added Community Chest cards, but I haven't coded them yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.5 2002-06-20 Doubles support, and Jail support. There is no support for c omputer-jail, but there is for a regular player. Double support is for computer and human. Also added a new board with the Monopolie logo instead of the Monopoly logo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.4 2002-06-20 Added a User-Friendly Interface, and a Cards Button. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.3 2002-06-20 I have added a nice new game setup wizard, where you can pick the speed, your name, and your piece (shoe, car, etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.2 2002-06-20 Added Player 2 Support (Computer only). It is still in the experiment stages and should not be played with in a real game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.1 delta 2002-06-19 I added the ability to purchase cards and get money from passing GO. I also added a sound effect (cash register) when you make a transaction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.1 gamma 2002-06-19 Added cards, if you click on a card, you can see the details of the specific card. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.1 beta 2002-06-19 I Renamed some of the pictures to their names and I added dice. Added a role dice button which allows you to roll both dice and it automatically moves your piece. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monopolie 0.1 alpha 2002-06-19 I have started programming Monopolie, I made the board and the pieces. You can move the pieces to any of the forty slots available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------