
The first Open-Source Monopoly clone for windows.

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Monopolie 0.9.5


+"advance to nearest railroad" bug
+"Computer get's player's money" bug
+P(27) was changed to P(28) (my mistake, sorry.  -James)
+rent of vermont is 6, not 8
+Spelling error when computer chooses thimble.  frMain --> frmMain
+Housing form updates when it becomes the active window, not just when 
it loads.
+Changed the if's in frmMain.MovePlayer2() to an if..else block
+Added Select Case block to frmMain.MovePlayer() (removed GoTo's)
+Added Select Case block to frmMain.computercomm() (removed GoTo's)
+Removed more speghetti code [some remains in frmMain.rolldice_Click() 
and Timercomp_Timer()]

+Player cannot buy a property if she cannot afford it
+Added luxury tax
+Income tax
 -player has option to pay $200 or 10%
 -computer always pays $200
+List of property costs in frmPrices control array Cost(n)
+frmMain.isProperty(int) as Boolean
+frmMain.isBuildableProperty(int) as Boolean

+You don't get paid for landing on Go (sometimes)
 -When I got a chance card, I was paid for GO, but didn't go there 
+Pay double when travelling to a railroad via chance card
+Have player pay current value of frmPrices.P(n).  Then, when computer 
buys houses, it will get the current price.  This is in 
+Add full support for utilities (currently only charges 4*roll)
+Create a listing of board positions (x, y) for each property
+Bankruptcy (allow the game to end)
+Pay increasing prices for R.R.'s when more than one is owned

+Help file
+Add code to display get out of jail free cards
+Multiplayer support
+Intelligent AI (purchase properties)
+Clean up card forms


Monopolie 0.9.4


+Unable to view more than the first property in frmCards

+Computer chooses random playing piece (added a while ago - about 0.9.2)

+Remove some spaghetti code (Sorry, I missed some in frmMain)
+Help file
+Get out of jail free cards

+Add code for get out of jail free cards
+Multiplayer support
+Intelligent AI (purchase properties)
+Income Tax square
+Luxury Tax square
+Clean up card forms
+Change all image formats to png


Monopolie 0.9.3


+unable to view properties by clicking
+no remaining GoTo's or large if-only blocks (no more spaghetti code)

+get out of jail free cards to frmCards.  Not functional

+Add code for get out of jail free cards
+Multiplayer support
+Intelligent AI (purchase properties)
+Income Tax square
+Luxury Tax square
+Clean up card forms
+Change all image formats to png


Monopolie 0.9.2


+changed many control name to control arrays.  For example, 
frmMain.image04 became frmMain.image(4).  This allows for dynamic 
access to form controls.  I changed controls in every form except 
+Changed many blocks of code using 'spaghetti code' full of GoTo's. 
Added Select Case statements and intelligent for loops.

+Some spaghetti code remains.


Monopolie 0.9.1


Fixed the AI so it pays you when it lands on your property
Undid some mistakes in 0.9.0 that set some properties to be owned by 
player1 by default.


Monopolie 0.9.0


Added FULL support for buying and selling homes. Computer pays player 
for landing on properties (a few things missing). All forms renamed 
with descriptive names.


Monopolie 0.8


Added partial house and hotel support. You can buy them, but you cannot 
use them, and you do not need a monopoly to buy them-the rules will be 
applied later.


Monopolie 0.7


I added support for Community Chest. The size of the executable file 
has greatly increased, so your going to need about 12 megabytes of ram 
just for this game.


Monopolie 0.6


Support for computer-jail, and I added chance card support. Also made a 
GUI property interface, which is easier to use. I added Community Chest 
cards, but I haven't coded them yet.


Monopolie 0.5


Doubles support, and Jail support. There is no support for c
omputer-jail, but there is for a regular player. Double support is for 
computer and human. Also added a new board with the Monopolie logo 
instead of the Monopoly logo.


Monopolie 0.4


Added a User-Friendly Interface, and a Cards Button.


Monopolie 0.3


I have added a nice new game setup wizard, where you can pick the 
speed, your name, and your piece (shoe, car, etc.)


Monopolie 0.2


Added Player 2 Support (Computer only). It is still in the experiment 
stages and should not be played with in a real game.


Monopolie 0.1 delta


I added the ability to purchase cards and get money from passing GO. 
I also added a sound effect (cash register) when you make a 


Monopolie 0.1 gamma


Added cards, if you click on a card, you can see the details of the 
specific card.


Monopolie 0.1 beta


I Renamed some of the pictures to their names and I added dice. Added a 
role dice button which allows you to roll both dice and it 
automatically moves your piece.


Monopolie 0.1 alpha


I have started programming Monopolie, I made the board and the pieces. 
You can move the pieces to any of the forty slots available.


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